YBOM joins, once again, the project “A Christmas for All”

Aware of its social responsibility, this year YBOM joins, once again, the project “A Christmas for all” (Um Natal para Todos) with the goal of collecting food goods to be delivered to ACISJF.
The International Catholic Association at the Service of the Female Youth of Porto (ACISJF-Porto), aims at the integral promotion of young women at social risk and single mothers and/or single-parent families, deprived of their family environment, victims of physical and psychological abuse, with socio-economic and professional insertion difficulties. It offers guidance and responds to the needs of young people who are outside their country or family, without distinction of culture, race or religion.
It covers a heterogeneous population of various age groups, supporting a total of 150 people per month.
You can leave the goods in our office by December 15!
We count on everyone’s help!
You can also offer your help through IBAN PT50.0036.0407.99106000380.58 or MBWAY +351 914540448.

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